I have a voice, my voice is powerful… Attending a L’taken seminar with TE teens.

Olga and I just returned from accompanying nine (!) TE teens at the L’taken seminar of the Religious Action Center in Washington, DC . The Bernard and Audre Rapoport L’Taken Social Justice Seminar is designed to both expose teens to a variety of public policy issues and explore the Jewish values that inform the Reform Movement’s advocacy around these issues.

We are grateful to TE’s Rabbi Brieger Youth Fund, Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, and Barbara Rosenthal Memorial Fund for making this trip possible for our teens. Abby, Izzy, Avery, Ava, Nessah, Nadav, Max, Aitan and Sam had an incredible time. Below are a few brief excerpts from their reflections on their experience.

  • … It was an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience… I did not realize how powerful all of the activities I participated in would be, and how deeply they would all affect me.
  • … If I were to talk to the next group of people to go on the DC trip I would tell them to go into it with an open mind. I went into the trip not knowing what to expect and I went with the flow I feel that I really grew as a person and also grew closer with all of my friends from TE and even made new friends. At the Holocaust museum I learned a lot of new information and even though it was at times sad, I feel that it gave me a much deeper understanding of the Holocaust. I felt like I grew so much in this experience and now have a clearer understanding on what I can do to help those in my community, my town and Jewish community…
  • … If I had to pick one word to describe the L’taken experience I would pick empowering. We did things from lobbying our elected officials, to eating out and skating downtown, to visiting the Holocaust museum. The activity that stuck with me the most was the Holocaust museum, the thing that left me speechless was the pure sadness and curiosity it gave me. I leave this trip with more knowledge and memories that I will take with me and use in my daily life. I would highly encourage future students to go on this trip…
  • …This trip had an impact on me in three ways. First it made me feel more connected to my Judaism by being able to go to services and learning about our history when going to the holocaust museum. I also got to learn about civic issues, from mental health to abortion, I got to get deeper understanding and care about the issue more. I also got to make new friends from different congregations and having a good time. This was a great trip…  
  • …Now, on the train ride back to New Haven, I cannot overemphasize how thankful I am for the experience I had. I’ve been in classes like 21st Century Democracy, Constitutional Law, gone on trips to DC, and had other educational experiences relating to our legislative process. However, L’Taken this winter was the most hands-on, real, experience I’ve had. I was definitely a bit nervous before going to capitol hill today (Monday), but the feeling of being able to walk into the building and offices of my representatives, and tell them about how I feel and what I want them to do was incredibly empowering….
  • …L’ taken has been an overall great, educational experience and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to go on this trip… As I shared with my peers, rabbi and Morah Olga, the Holocaust museum made me start thinking about how one person that can make such a huge impact on everything someone has ever known… For the rest of the weekend I kept this in the back of my mind, during my activities and writing my speech I remembered that I can be the person that changes something that I believe in but for a positive change…

Finding strength to keep on going —one step at a time…

“It’s been a tough few weeks, and a tough couple of months, and a really tough year…” The world is on fire, the Jewish world is still reeling from the events of October 7th and the aftermath, and our TE community has recently suffered a few major losses of our loved ones. Even in the midst of the joyous season of Festivals and celebrations, it’s that much harder to find excitement and joy this year. And yet, Jews are eternal optimists —and so we work extra hard and continue to look for ways to make the world just a little better than we found it …

By the time this article reaches you, I will be in Krakow, Poland—returning after nearly 3 years of war to support the Ukrainian refugees, this time accompanied by Robert Farbman—our two-person volunteer team. The need is still there and so is the anxiety over the war and the future. We cannot change the realities on the ground, but we can help support volunteers at the JCC Krakow, who have been serving the most vulnerable refugees for so long. I am truly grateful to TE leadership and membership for all your support and encouragement. While Robert’s and my language skills make us a bit more useful, we are doing this on behalf of all of us at TE. As in the past, we will try and post brief reports on our TE Facebook page, so please check it out!

Back in 2019, when we began the process of restoring our Holocaust Memorial scroll, we discussed the possibility of using the ‘extra’ Torah scroll that will come out of our Ark to help support a community that could really use one of their own. A few weeks ago, I received a request on behalf of a newly formed Reform community in Valencia, Spain who would really love to be able to celebrate Shabbat and Festivals by reading from a Torah scroll! I am excited to report that the TE Board has unanimously supported this donation! The scroll will require some restoration and there will be an opportunity for TE members to learn with the scribe and to observe the process. While the exact dates are still only at the planning stage, there is much excitement among TE members who are looking forward to journeying to Spain to bring the Torah scroll to its new home. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the past and look to the future than helping a Jewish community obtain a Torah. What an honor and a blessing it is for TE to be in the position to do so!

Here’s to a New Year 2025 filled with many more inspiring and exciting opportunities to make our world just a little better.

Music nurtures our souls…

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” — Billy Joel

Music has always been an integral part of TE, one of its defining features. Every time I ask our members about the most inspiring aspects of our communal life, music gets mentioned the most. Rabbi Jerry z’’l and his guitar have helped nurture multiple generations of TE members, elevating their experience in ways that only music knows how: by directly touching our souls.

For the last 15 years, I have been privileged to carry it forward, blessed with so much support and encouragement from our TE community, and partnering with our amazing band under the leadership of the incredible Laurel Shader. Being together and singing together makes my soul soar on any given Shabbat or Festival, as I am lifted by the beautiful harmonies that we create, filling our sanctuary with sound.

In 2016, when we said our final goodbyes to our teacher and our friend, we immediately began thinking of ways to institutionalize Rabbi Jerry’s legacy at TE. What better way to remember the man whose Hebrew name was Shir than with music? Generations of adults and children at TE have been entertained by Rabbi Jerry’s magic tricks and thus the name of our annual celebration was born: Shir Magic.

Every year we get to sing with one of the leading voices in contemporary Jewish music, celebrating Rabbi Jerry’s legacy. What a blessing it is! Every artist is different, but every single one of them has been blown away by what they find at TE — a community that gathers to sing (and knows so many of their songs and melodies already!)

This year’s Shir Magic artist is Eliana Light, an incredibly talented musician, educator and performer. Eliana envisions a joyful, vibrant, heart–centered Judaism that speaks to the soul and moves the spirit, reminding us that we all are One. She holds sacred space, writes music, trains educators, and consults with communities to bring this vision to life. Eliana’s music has enriched the Temple Emanuel services and celebrations over the years, and some of her songs have become a staple in our High Holy Day and Festival services for children and adults alike.

Last year, as we were still reeling from the events of October 7th, our Shir Magic concert with Elana Arian had given us a lifeline, helping us to breathe a little deeper breaths. Some of the music she shared with us that evening continues to sustain me over this difficult year. I know that Eliana Light will help us sing and heal together this year, and I cannot wait to share the experience of her music and her teaching with all at TE this year. And of course, the TE band will make a special appearance that evening.

Eliana will spend the entire weekend December 6-8 with our community as our musician–in–residence. Join us on Friday December 6 at 6pm for an everybody–friendly musical, meaningful service! We’ll sing, connect, and delight in Shabbat together with Eliana.

On Saturday, December 7 at 10am we’ll enjoy a Shabbat morning experience of songs, stories, and snuggles: Shabbat morning for kiddos 0-5 and their grown-ups are invited to build community. We’ll snack, schmooze, sing, and connect with each other. No Shabbat experience required!

The day will culminate with our Shir Magic concert at 7pm — come and witness the magic of Eliana Light in person! Get your tickets ahead of time and please consider becoming a sponsor. I look forward to sharing this special musical evening with you!

Yopu can hear some of Eliana’s beautiful music here.

Elul: Preparing for the Days of Awe…

Elul (אלול) is the name of the month in our Jewish calendar that immediately precedes the Jewish New Year and High Holy Days. The month of Elul is one that fulfills the promise of drawing closer, awakening our inner lives through the call of the shofar, and preparing ourselves for the joy and renewal of the holiday season.

A recently published companion to Mishkan T’filah provides us with additional liturgical and poetic sources, allowing us to deepen our sense of approaching High Holy Days. We also begin to blow the shofar in the month of Elul, the sound piercing our souls and reminding us to engage in the process of introspection and preparation.

In an average year, the month of Elul tends to fall on August, with only a tail of it landing in September — and so it often gets ‘lost’ in the end of the summer routines, the beginning of the new school year and all that goes with it. This year, the High Holy Days fall in October, so we get a chance to experience the month of Elul in its fullest.

Before we arrive at Rosh Hashanah, we get to pause and consider our lives, engage in the practice of cheshbon hanefesh, accounting of the soul. Before we come together for the full liturgical experience of the holiest days of our year, we get to slowly prepare. The culmination of the month of Elul is the Selichot service on the last Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, when we begin to recite the penitence prayers and chant the haunting melodies that are so familiar to us from the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur liturgy.

Four New Haven area Reform synagogues come together for Selichot services, taking turns in hosting the gatherings. This year, on Saturday September 28th at 7pm we will gather at Temple Beth David in Cheshire. We will say goodbye to Shabbat with a brief Havdalah ceremony, and we will get a chance to hear from Judge Douglas Lavine, the co-chair of the Connecticut Hate Crimes Advisory Council (of which I am a member), who will speak about Restorative Justice and Forgiveness, an incredibly fitting topic for the night of Selichot. The evening will conclude with a special service, led by all of the rabbis and cantors and choirs from all of our synagogues, a very special annual gathering that will allow us to prepare for the holy days ahead.

This year the ‘late’ start for the High Holy Days offers us a gift: experiencing the month of Elul in its fullness. Come and enjoy Friday night Shabbat service, join Saturday morning Torah study and get ready for the Days of Awe together!

Misheberach avoiteinu, m’kor habrachah l’imoteinu…

When members of our community and our loved ones fall ill, we add their names to the Misheberach list that we read before reciting the prayer for healing, inviting us all to hold the community members in our prayers, alongside our own loved ones and friends. We often use the traditional formula of using someone’s Hebrew name to preserve the anonymity of the person, and at other times we use the full name, thus sharing the news of illness with wider TE community, reminding people to reach out and call/visit a friend. (Please note, according to our tradition you should ALWAYS check with the person you want to pray for whether they are comfortable with their name recited in public or added to the list read out in the synagogue)!

The prayer for healing is traditionally recited during the Torah service. In addition, a slightly different version of the prayer for healing is part of a weekday Amidah, which is not recited on Shabbat as part of our liturgy, when the 13 ‘middle’ blessings/petitions are replaced with one special blessing for Shabbat.

The words of Debbie Friedman’s Misheberach have become a staple of our Shabbat services, as it did in numerous communities all around the world – the powerful music, the inspiring words, combined with an opportunity to offer a communal prayer for healing have become an essential part of our Shabbat services. TE’s spiral-bound prayerbook Seder T’filot Emanuel has included the text of this prayer at the end of a Friday night Amidah, and it continues to be one of the most powerful elements of the service for so many of us. New words and new melodies continue to be written, and we often add the new prayers for healing to our services – but the presence of the prayer for healing in all our Shabbat and Festival services remains a constant.

Over the years our Misheberach list became surprisingly long. And while there is definitely a long accepted tradition of appointing an emissary to pray for one’s health if you can’t make it to the synagogue, our current minhag, or custom, that evolved at TE has led to the breakdown of the original intent of the prayer for healing: to be offered in person with intentionality.

Rabbi Dr. Daniel Landes, in My People’s Prayerbook, remarks:

“The Mi Sheberakh is not a magical incantation. It obligates the [pray-er] to give tzedakah and to pray personally on behalf of the person for whom the prayer is given. It summons us all to recognize our own utter powerlessness in the face of illness.”

The TE Ritual Committee discussed this at length at a recent meeting and agreed to modify our current practice. If you are thinking of a loved one, a family member or a friend, and would like to pray for their health – please come to Shabbat service, in person or online, and please think of them as you add their name – publicly or privately, to our communal prayer for healing. If you hear of someone’s acute illness and want to add their name (and you can’t get there yourself), please call/email the office, and the name will be added to our list, which will continue to be read every Shabbat. When the person gets better, please remember to let us know so we can remove their name from the list – we love hearing good news! After the name has been on the list for about a month, the list will ‘reset.’ Please note, the names of all TE members struggling with illness will remain on the list without any time limit.

I invite you to use the opportunity of the Misheberach prayer in our services to think of and to pray for healing for your loved ones. May all who are in need of healing be blessed with the love, care and support they need.

Uf Gozal: Spread your wings and fly away…

Around this time of year the classic song from Israeli rock icon Arik Einstein ‘Uf Gozal’ begins to pop up everywhere I look. It acknowledges the difficult feelings for parents watching their kids grow up, mature and leave the nest. We have been the so-called ‘empty nesters’ for two years now, and I think the reality is yet to fully set in, even as we watch our kids spread their wings with pride, joy and yes, a little sadness.

This year’s crop of high school graduates has grown up at TE right in front of our eyes – I have so many cute pictures from their childhood to prove it! Many have remained active in our school as teenagers: Katie and Sarah Harper, Ava Shanbrom, Maya Katsovich, Sophia Rivkin and Beyla Ridky have had an outsized influence on the life of TE over the years, and most of them are pretty used to the extended TE family treating them as if they were our own children. They have sung in the children’s choir, and then years later they taught the children’s choir for the next generation of kids. They were our students and then became our colleagues, helping teach, tutor and inspire our current religious school students. They have written and performed Purim spiels and sat on TE boards and ran Chanukkah basket fundraisers… If I attempt to list all their achievements, this column would never fit into the allotted space! Over the next few weeks, we will get to celebrate them and their achievements, to hug them and to wish them well as they take that important leap and go off to college – I hope you all mark May 17th in your calendars and come to Shabbat service to do just that. But first, I wanted to invite you to a special ceremony on May 5th – and to share with you a description of two Eagle Scout projects completed this year for the benefit of Temple Emanuel.

For her Eagle Scout project, Katie Harper chose to help her community here at Temple Emanuel by building an additional four benches for the outdoor sanctuary. “I decided to expand the outdoor sanctuary because it has become a special space for me and many other members. It was a lot of fun assembling the benches, and I am pleased that the outdoor sanctuary will now be widely more accessible during services. As the weather starts becoming warmer, I cannot wait to use the benches in the upcoming weeks.”

Sarah Harper, as part of her BSA Eagle Scout Project, led a group of volunteers in restoring over 80 damaged spiral-bound prayer books at Temple Emanuel. The entire restoration process involved many steps and was completed over the course of four months.

“In Jewish tradition, any document or ritual object with God’s name on it must be buried in a special grave called a ‘genizah.’ It is the proper way to dispose of these holy objects with the utmost respect and consideration. As part of my Eagle Scout project, I have arranged for a geniza to be created on TE property, and we have collected over 15 boxes of beyond-repair prayer books and additional items from the community. I have been an active member of Temple Emanuel for over 18 years and these prayer books were the first to incite my love for attending services, studying Hebrew, and learning the different tefilot. I am extremely delighted for the newly bound prayer books to get used again and for the beyond-repair items to get appropriately laid to rest. I hope everyone in the community will be able to witness and take part in this sacred occasion along with me.”

The genizah ceremony will be held on Sunday, May 5th at 9:30 a.m. All TE families and members are invited to attend to learn about the ritual of disposing of sacred texts and objects, as well as to assist with burying the items.

To life, To Life — L’chayim…

As we approach the fourth anniversary of the Covid 19 lockdown and as we look back at the last four years, it is easy to be overwhelmed by what we have all lived through, what we have learned to live with (and, perhaps more importantly, what we have learned to live without) and what challenges we faced. It has taken us all some time to begin to return to ‘normalcy,’ both in our personal lives and especially in our communal lives. We have been back in our sanctuary and our building in person for a while now, even as we continue to live stream our services and events, making sure everyone has access to much of what we do as a community.

We had many exciting plans for this year, and were going to start working on some of them after the High Holy Days— but events of October 7th have stunned us all into a painful and anxious new reality. Every special occasion, every festival, every Shabbat comes with a dilemma: how can I find joy in traditional observances when there’s so much pain and suffering? Chanukkah lights gave us hope, and helped to heal our broken hearts, at least a little—but now with Purim on the horizon, what will our celebrations look like? What stories will we tell at our Seder table this year? How many empty chairs will we have to leave at the table?

Five years ago, a group of TE members attended a special gathering of the Holocaust Memorial Torah scrolls in New York City, bringing the TE memorial scroll (back then housed in a display cabinet in our lobby) with us. It was a profoundly moving experience. As I held TE’s Holocaust Memorial Scroll #1178, and as I marched in a quiet procession of over 70 Czech memorial scrolls, I was overwhelmed by the fact that in my arms I held not only an incredible treasure of the Jewish people that was created and lovingly maintained by previous generations of Jews I did not know, but a scroll that belonged to the destroyed Jewish community of Horazdovice, a community that perished in the flames of the Holocaust. This was not just the Torah connecting me to the Jewish past. This was a moment to acknowledge, once again, that the future of this Torah’s Jewish community of Horazdovice was wiped out by the cruelty of hate and yet somehow, miraculously, the orphaned Torah has survived and found its way into the loving hands of our community, right here in Orange, CT. Scroll after scroll paraded through the room packed with over 800 people from some 80+ synagogues in the Tri-State area, honoring the painful past and celebrating the miraculous survival of Judaism. I will never forget this moment and this feeling.

TE delegation with our Memorial Torah Scroll at the gathering in NYC

This year the Memorial Scrolls Trust celebrates its 60th anniversary, and there will once again be a gathering of the Torah scrolls in New York on Sunday, April 7th. This time we will return once again but as I carry our scroll in that procession, it will be a scroll that has been restored and is once again used to celebrate Jewish life as children of our community step up to the Torah celebrating becoming B’nei Mitzvah!

This year, as our calendar begins to fill up with learning opportunities, social gathering opportunities and celebrations, may we continue to be inspired by the story of our Torah scroll, by the resilience of the Jewish people, by our desire to live and build and preserve what we cherish.

We will learn with Dr. Liram Koblentz-Stenzler, as part of our Annual Scholar–in–Residence Program on March 20th and 27th,  and engage in some challenging and timely topics. We will celebrate Purim (including, once again, a special Adult Purim party), and Passover with our Annual Second Night Seder at Temple Emanuel. We will visit the Beinecke rare books collection, and we will plan an opportunity to ice-skate together. We will march proudly with our newly restored Torah scroll, honoring the difficult past, and look towards the future. We will continue to find strength and joy in each other and in sharing our traditions. Am Israel Chai—the People of Israel Lives!

Standing with our people…

Members of Temple Emanuel at the March for Israel in Washington, DC.

On Tuesday, November 14th, a number of TE members joined the Greater New Haven delegation and traveled to Washington, DC to participate in the March for Israel. It was such a powerful experience, standing with hundreds of thousands of Jews (and some allies) from all over the country, demanding safe return of hostages, renouncing antisemitism, and standing with Israel and with each other. To see so many friends, colleagues, current and former congregants from many different places. To hear words of support. To cry with parents of hostages, demanding to #BringThemHomeNow. It was especially moving to see the little girl working on this sign: ‘my Jewish joy is stronger than your hate.’ I have asked one of the TE march participants, Phoenix Matarazzo, to reflect on our experience:

“Last month, I had the opportunity to participate in the March for Israel with fellow TE members, Rabbi, Olga, and other members of our Greater New Haven Jewish community. It was a day that brought together Jews and allies from various backgrounds, religious observance, and political views. The atmosphere was both somber and joyous. One of the highlights for me was joining everyone in singing “One Day” led by Matisyahu and The Maccabeats. This song always resonates with me because it expresses the deep longing for a future filled with peace. However, it also reminds me that this day of peace is still not here. This yearning for justice and peace was evident throughout the entire day.

As I stood in Washington, I couldn’t help but reflect on our previous school theme of seeing the world through Jewish eyes, and this year’s theme of telling OUR story. What better way to tell our story than by actively participating in it? We are blessed to carry the strength of our ancestors, supporting each other in our happiest and darkest moments. I thought to myself, “We should do this again, during better times!” Perhaps a nationwide Shabbat dinner?

It struck me that this may be the only time in my life that I will get to sing Hatikvah with over 290,000 people. Despite our differences, we are united in our support for the safe return of our kidnapped family members and the protection of our homeland. We are truly one mishpacha, one family.

As I listened and prayed alongside the impressive lineup of speakers and artists, I couldn’t help but believe that we are on the verge of a better world, a new kind of peace, and a stronger unity among the Jewish people. We refuse to yield to the beliefs of our enemies. We stand tall in our own story, proud to live it and pass it on to future generations.

The March for Israel filled me with hope for more acts of kindness, more connection with our traditions and with each other. I hope for more dialogue with our allies and with those who may not yet understand how to be allies. I hope for more education about who we are and where we come from. I hold on to the hope that our mishpacha will be whole again, with all our family members safely home.

Music to our ears…

“The individual may pray in prose or even in wordless silence; a congregation must sing or disband.” Israel Abrahams, Poetry and Religion (1920)

Music has always been a part of Judaism. From the Levites who sang the Psalms and played instruments on the steps leading to the Temple in Jerusalem, to the ancient system of cantillation, a special way to chant the Torah; from the melodic way of studying and memorizing rabbinic texts of Mishnah and Talmud to the Hassidic niggunim, often simple melodies that were credited with being as powerful as the most well-composed prayers. There are numerous Hassidic sayings about the significance of melody, as the Zohar (foundational work of Jewish mystical thought) puts it, in “opening those heavenly gates that are firmly shut except to song and tears…”

Music stirs our souls in a way that words often cannot, activating emotions within us that we did not know existed… Music is such a strong presence in Temple Emanuel’s worship style that it is almost unimaginable without it! Yet music in worship (especially instrumental music) has a complicated history in Judaism. Following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE the rabbis placed a ban on the use of music in general, especially in worship, as a sign of mourning. It is not hard to imagine that having witnessed the devastation, the last thing they wanted to do was sing… Another complication was the prohibition against playing musical instruments on Shabbat – not because the act itself is a violation of Shabbat (it was permitted in the Temple in Jerusalem), but out of much more technical considerations (to prevent the carrying of the instrument, its tuning or repair, if needed, all of which were considered violations of Shabbat). Even the shofar blowing on Rosh Hashanah was suspended if it fell on Shabbat!

From the very beginning, the Reform Movement insisted on bringing the music back to worship, back to the synagogue, back to Shabbat. Music and joy were always part of Judaism, and now they were making a comeback! Synagogues installed pipe organs and commissioned talented and popular composers of the time to write music settings for services in the synagogue, giving us the profoundly inspiring music of Lewandowski, Bloch, Sulzer, and many others. The music they wrote for the services was spiritual and uplifting. It was also very modern and reflective of the 19th-century popular music styles.

As the popular music styles changed in the second half of the 20th century, a new kind of music entered the world of the synagogue worship. The pipe organs were joined (and often replaced) by guitars and electric pianos. Temple Emanuel, founded in 1962, is a true ‘child’ of that era – from the very beginning, our services were accompanied by guitar music, with the entire congregation singing along, rather than relying on a powerful pipe organ and a professional cantor or choir to provide music for the worship experience. In fact, it is probably safe to argue that music has been one of the main defining features of the new congregation, as well as many others that appeared in the 1960s and 1970s around the country.

For more than a decade now the TE band has been a part of a further experiment with music at TE services – and what an incredible experience this has been! Under Laurel Shader’s wonderful leadership up to 22 TE members of different ages, from middle school to retirees, have played together on various occasions, giving a new meaning to ‘musical Shabbat’ at Temple Emanuel!

As we continue to bring music to our worship, with the full TE band and with small groups of musicians, with a solo guitar and even a cappella – allowing the music to nurture our souls and lift our prayers straight to heaven – I am delighted to remind you that we have an amazing musical program coming up on November 4th! A world-renowned singer and composer, Elana Arian, is coming to Temple Emanuel! We know and love Elana’s music; it has enriched our worship at TE over the last few years, and we look forward to welcoming Elana as our Shir Magic performer this year! Shir Magic is the Annual TE Concert in loving memory of Rabbi Jerry Brieger z”l

You can get your tickets in advance right here. Please spread the word, and I look forward to enjoying this special musical evening together. The TE band will of course make an appearance, and you can hear it next at Shabbat Chanukkah on December 8th!

P.S. Play an instrument? Want to join the band? Speak to Laurel Shader or Rabbi Farbman!

Oops, Help, Thanks, Wow: Jewish Prayer 101

Oops, Help, Thanks & Wow!

At one point or another, all of us have said these short words. Often, multiple times a day! As you read this column shortly before the start of High Holy Days, you are most likely concentrating on the ‘oops’ part – that is the nature of ‘accounting of our soul’, or cheshbon hanefesh. This time of year we are encouraged to take stock of our lives and our actions, acknowledge our failings and seek ways to perform teshuvah, ‘return’ to the vision of ourselves that we aspire to be… And while this time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and this process of teshuvah is extremely important, I am always mindful of the fact that we should pay even more attention to our actions between Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah!

So how do we do this? How do we elevate our daily and weekly experiences to allow for such thoughtful action? One of the traditional answers to this question is to rely on the structure of services and both individual and communal prayer. Our prayerbook, also known as the Siddur, is a sacred and essential tool that guides the individual and communal worship practices. This meticulously crafted compilation of prayers, blessings, and liturgical texts serves as a gateway for expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and fostering a deep spiritual connection with each other and with the divine.

Temple Emanuel has its own prayerbook, Seder Tefilot Emanuel. This wonderful and warm book has inspired generations of TE members – and continues to do so! It began as a loose-leaf collection of prayers in the early TE years, then became a ‘Yellow Prayerbook’ and eventually took shape that we know and love over 20 years ago. It has survived two reprints and has served our community as a truly magnificent tool. In addition, after a few years of exploration and discovery, we have adopted the Reform Prayerbook ‘Mishkan Tefilah’, to be used alongside ‘Seder Tefilot Emanuel’. Although quite different in design and content, these two wonderful books help shape the worship at Temple Emanuel. In 2018 we adopted the recently published Mishkan HaNefesh as our High Holy Days machzor, and it has enriched our experience of the High Holy Days in a profound way.

This fall we will once again get together to explore the Jewish Liturgy. In this enriching journey, we will delve into the profound world of Jewish prayer and explore the intricate tapestry of rituals, texts, and melodies that have woven the fabric of Jewish worship for centuries. From the heartfelt expressions of gratitude to the introspective moments of self-reflection, Jewish liturgy offers a remarkable insight into the spiritual essence of the Jewish people. Join us as we uncover the history, significance, and deep connections that make up the mosaic of Jewish liturgical traditions. Whether you are a curious learner or seeking to deepen your understanding, this course promises to illuminate the beauty and meaning embedded in every word, every note, and every gesture of Jewish prayer.

The new course begins on October 8th and will run on Sundays at 11 am. Advance registration is required, please follow this link to sign up!