Chag Urim Sameach – a Happy Festival of Lights!

I could not honestly remember if I had ever experienced Chanukah begin on December 1st – but even if I did, this still feels very ‘early’! As the Jewish calendar tries to balance the lunar and the solar systems of counting months, our festivals travel slightly back and forth. This Hebrew year, 5771 is a leap year, so starting with Purim the festivals will all of a sudden feel ‘later than usual’ – and so the cycle continues. This year’s calendar has provided us all with an incredible opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving and Chanukah with less than a week between them! In culinary terms, this means that we’ll be going from Turkeys to Latkes in no time at all J. But it is the theme of ‘giving’ that is so naturally included in the Thanksgiving that I wanted to concentrate on in connection with this year’s Chanukah.

A few years ago a new project was instituted by the American Reform Movement – Ner Shel Tzedakah (“candle of righteousness”) is a project in which families and individuals devote the 6th night of Chanukah to learning about the problem of poverty. We are encouraged to donate the value of the gifts (or the gifts themselves) that would otherwise be exchanged on that night to organizations that assist the poor, locally or globally. A special blessing has been created to be used as we light Ner Shel Tzedakah:

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Asher Kidshanu B’mitzvotav, V’lamdeinu L’Hadlik Ner Shel Tzedakah.

Blessed are You, Eternal, our God, who makes us holy through the performance of Mitzvot, and inspires us to light the Candle of Righteousness.

“As we light this “Ner Shel Tzedakah” tonight, we pray that its light will shine into the dark corners of our world, bringing relief to those suffering from the indignity and pain that accompany poverty. May our act of giving inspire others to join with us in the fight against the scourge of hunger, homelessness, need and want. Together, let us raise our voices to cry out for justice, and may that clarion call burst through the night’s silence and declare that change must come.”

This year, the 6th night of Chanukah falls on Monday, December 6th, 2010. I encourage you strongly to use that night to have a conversation with your children and with each other about poverty and hunger, and what we can do to help alleviate it in this world. At Temple Emanuel we are dedicating the entire Sunday, December 5th, to a very special inter-generational Chanukah project, organized by our newly re-formed Education Committee. From 9:30 am to 12 noon we are having a morning of learning and then joining with the Hebrew school on a gift giving project. We are partnering this year with Jewish Family Services, ‘r kids Family Center, Fairhaven Community Health Center and Connecticut Junior Republic and after a morning of study (and a little food!) we will be preparing gift baskets to be distributed to various families in need through these organizations (each with a very strong connection to TE community). We will be collecting donations needed on Friday, December 3rd during our Musical Shabbat Chanukah celebration, but if this Shofar does not reach you in time to participate in this project, I very much hope you will still dedicate one day’s worth of Chanukah gifts to help those in need. By making donations on the sixth (or any other!) night of Chanukah, you will help our candle of righteousness glow brightly for those in need. Don’t let the light go out!

Wonderful High Holiday Traditions

Rosh Hashanah comes early this year! It seems like Elul has come and almost gone and before we know it, it’s time for Rosh Hashanah celebrations, for ushering in the new year, for apples and honey and joy, as well as introspection and taking stock of our lives that follows the Rosh Hashanah and precedes the Yom Kippur.

There is a wonderful tradition of Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah, which I have mentioned in my last column. On the first day of the new year, after services and celebratory Kiddush, we will go out to the stream of water and join together in symbolically (and physically) emptying our pockets, disposing of the little crumbs that represent a myriad of little sins and transgressions that often remain out of sight, just like those little crumbs in our pockets…I know that in the years past there have been groups of congregants doing Tashlich in different places, but this year we have decided to be a little more organized and go together after the Kiddush. I am hoping you and your family will join us!

High Holy Days are serious. We ponder matters of life and death, look at our lives, ask forgiveness from people around us and from God. But even at this season, there should be a little time for humor. I’m sure you have seen this list before, but even if you have — it’s worth a smile or two!

Here are suggestions for breads which may be most appropriate for specific sins and misbehaviors, to be used at Tashlich:

For ordinary sins ………………………..White Bread
For complex sins …………………………..Multigrain
For twisted sins ……………………………….Pretzels
For sins of indecision …………………………Waffles
For sins committed in haste………………….Matzoh
For sins of chutzpah …………………….Fresh Bread
For particularly dark sin ……………..Pumpernickel
For dressing immodestly ………………………..Tarts
For racist attitudes …………………………..Crackers
For causing injury to others …………………..Tortes
For sophisticated racism ………………Ritz Crackers
For being holier than thou ……………………Bagels
For substance abuse…………………..Stoned Wheat
For use of heavy drugs………………….Poppy Seed
For petty larceny……………………………….Stollen
For committing auto theft ………………….Caraway
For timidity/cowardice ……………………Milk Toast
For tasteless sins…………………………..Rice Cakes
For ill-temperedness………………………Sourdough
For silliness, eccentricity………………….Nut Bread
For not giving full value…………………Shortbread
For unnecessary chances ………………..Hero Bread
For war-mongering ………………………Kaiser Rolls
For jingoism, chauvinism ………….Yankee Doodles
For excessive irony ………………………..Rye  Bread
For erotic sins …………………………..French Bread
For abrasiveness ………………………………….Grits
For dropping in without notice ……………Popovers
For overeating ………………………………..Stuffing
For impetuosity ………………………….Quick Bread
For indecent photography ………………Cheesecake
For raising your voice too often ……………Challah
For pride and egotism……………………Puff Pastry
For sycophancy, brown-nosing …………….Brownies
For being overly smothering …….Angel Food Cake
For laziness……………………………..Any long loaf
For trashing the environment……………Dumplings
And my personal favorite:
For telling bad jokes/puns ……………..Corn Bread

Wishing you all a sweet, happy and above all healthy new year 5771. May we all be blessed with peace! I look forward to seeing you all at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services, as well as during Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Please check the calendar for services and come celebrate ALL the festivals of Tishrei, not just the biggest ones. Shanah Tovah!☺
— Rabbi Farbman