The door is open, walk right in…

new TE lobby
new TE lobby

New Year is upon us! Rosh Hashanah is coming! The cycle of Jewish life is about to be renewed once again, with ritual, prayers, solemn and uplifting community gatherings, family reunions – and, of course, lots and lots of food. Food for the body, food for the soul.

Jodi Harris
Jodi Harris, TE religious school director

The spirit of renewal is very much in the air at Temple Emanuel. For the first time in our congregation’s history we are gathering our entire community under one roof! The One Campus addition has been completed and has already transformed the daily life of our community. One roof. One set of doors. One house for learning, prayer and gathering. Bright and spacious classrooms just in time for the brand new educational year for our children. A new director of religious school, Jodi Harris, dedicated to making this new academic year the best one yet for our young families. A year full of adult learning opportunities, giving us a renewed sense of excitement about our spiritual home. A reinvigorated intergenerational community that is rolling up its sleeves to move furniture, transform gardens, update the library and celebrate the fact that we still have that pioneer TE spirit that has been our signature card for over 50 years!

The month of Elul, leading up to High Holy Days, is the time to look back, to take stock, to slow down and to get in the right set of mind. Time to evaluate our priorities, make changes, get back on track. Time to think more about tzedakah and to be more philanthropic. With all the demands of the move into the new wing, it has not been easy to find time to sit quietly and to ponder in a traditional Elul kind of way. And yet, as I watched dozens and dozens of volunteers come together to express their love for Temple Emanuel through hard work and dedication, I couldn’t help but feel that this was a perfect way to usher in the month of Elul and to begin the countdown to the most sacred days of the Jewish year.

May this New Year 5776 be the year of renewal for us all. May we see these exciting new experiences as an invitation for us to try new things in this Jewish year. Let us be adventurous and deepen our Jewish knowledge and involvement. We no longer have to wonder if we will know which door to enter – all we have to do is walk in!

Wishing you and your loved ones shanah tovah u’metukah, a sweet and happy new year.Shofar

Seder – Order

BessingerSummer 2015

“First a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world.”

(Rabbi Israel Salanter, founder of Mussar)


The word for order – seder – shows up frequently in Jewish tradition. It is the name given to the evening ritual meal on Passover. It is also the root of the name of the prayer book itself, the siddur. Alan Morinis points out that “because all of creation runs on orderly principles, it is said to be mesudar – orderly – and therefore the Torah, which is the blueprint of the world, is mesudar as well.”

“Order” may seem like an odd thing to be thinking of at this time of the year when unstructured summer days stretch out before us. As my family and friends know, the Passover seder is my favorite observance during the Jewish year. It is not just the family, the friends, the food, or the ritual; it is the “order” itself which strikes a balance with the surrounding chaotic activity. Mussar teaching stresses that order is more than just a practical necessity, it is a spiritual value. Mussar practice encourages one to seek spirituality within ones daily activities. From this perspective, the order that one seeks to create on your desk, in your car, your clothes, your financial papers, or your tools, is not just good management it is all spiritual work.

So, as the TE year draws to a close, it is time to put our TE year in order. And there is much to order. If we include holiday services and Religious school events, we had something going on every week of the year. Thank you to the many TE members who led each of these projects. Thanks to Hilary, Ariette and the Rabbi for providing the professional framework within which we volunteer. We can group our activities into big categories (and this doesn’t even include our terrific fund-raisers or many other social events):

Tikkun Olam: We participated in Abraham’s tent, the CT Walk against Hunger, the People’s Climate March, the Neighbor-to-neighbor Poverty simulation, our first Red Cross blood drive, made Hanukkah baskets made for local families in need, collected food for our local pantries, collected clothes and toys for a local family after a fire, donated household goods for Columbus House, participated in the Days for Girls project, raised money for secondary school scholarships for Nicaragua, collected books for Reach Out and read, made scarves for Spooner House, and donated money to the Town of Orange Fire firefighters and Israeli firefighters

Study: We held Adult Education Shabbat afternoon sessions in member’s homes, our teens participated in “Open Doors, Open Minds: a dialogue among Jews, Christians and Muslims’” with other local teens, we engaged in weekly Torah study, hosted a wonderful Scholar in Residence weekend with Professor Kassow, watched the documentary “The Territory” with its film-maker, discussed the book “My Promised Land”, traced our roots in a Jewish Genealogy workshop, and learned Indian cooking.

Prayer (and Music): We had our first Shabbat on the beach in Milford, joined a special MLK service with Congregation Mishkan Israel, had musical Shabbat services with the TE Band, honored Rabbi Winer MBE with a special Shabbat dinner, started Tot Shabbat services with intergenerational dinners, held the Debbie Friedman memorial concert at the Taste of Honey, participated in the Interfaith Thanksgiving service in Orange and celebrated Lag b’omer with bon fires, song and dance with 5 area synagogues.

Building: The new addition is a magical reality about to be opened at the Sept 11th BBQ, the decision has been made to put solar panels on the Social Hall roof, the new HVAC will be installed in the Sanctuary building, and our significant winter water damage will soon be repaired. Remember there is still time to make your donation to the One Campus Appeal.

With the old year “ordered”, it is easier to chart a plan for the coming year (next month’s Shofar topic). We also need a succinct way to describe ourselves to the world at large (a TE “slogan”). Perhaps by reviewing what we have done, you will be encouraged to help us create that description. Please send me your ideas. Have a wonderful summer.


food drive 2014 (2) Dear Temple Emanuel Congregants:

             For the twenty second consecutive year, Temple Emanuel will participate in the High Holy Days Food Project.  The food we collect will be divided between the food pantries of both Jewish Family Service (JFS) and the Town of Orange’s Human Services Department where they help feed the many needy among us.

             When you come to the synagogue for services on Kol Nidre night (Tuesday, September 22nd) or on Yom Kippur (Wednesday, September 23rd) or right through the Sukkot holiday, please be as amazingly generous as you’ve always been in the past.  Maybe even more so this year! Once again, please bring as many bags and cartons as you can filled to the brim with boxes, jars, and cans of non-perishable food. 

            food drive 2014 Suggested items:  pasta, pasta sauce, canned veggies, peanut butter, dry milk, coffee, tea bags, canned tuna / chicken / turkey, soup, canned fruit, macaroni & cheese, flour, sugar, rice, boxed potatoes, chili, baby & toddler foods, ‘meals-in-a-can’ like beef stew, hash, & hearty soups, salt-free foods for people with hypertension and sugar-free foods for people with diabetes.  Food need not be labeled as kosher.  We will even accept dog & cat food as this will help folks stretch their food dollars if we help them care for their loving pets. 

             Please note: Please do not bring old, out-dated, leftover, or open packages.  We just wind up throwing these away as they are unusable.

             As you can imagine, the need this year is greater than ever.  We’re counting on you to help support these two agencies as they serve the needy right here in our own local communities.

 Thank you!


  Michael Farbman                            Melissa Perkal                       Will Sherman

  Rabbi                                                President                                Coordinator, Food Drive 

Shabbat Under the Stars and annual BBQ – Friday, Sept 11 starting at 4:30 pm.

outdoor shabbat @ TE 8-27-2010Join us at Temple Emanuel on Friday, September 11 for our annual barbecue picnic and Shabbat Under the Stars! The festivities start at 4:30 pm with kids’ activities, 5:00 pm cookout, and 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Under the Stars service, followed by an Oneg in the Social Hall. We will also be unveiling the new education and administrative wing by affixing a mezuza to the door just before the Shabbat service.

This is a great annual event for all TE members, family and friends – so please spread the word and invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this very special Shabbat celebration!

High Holy Days 5776 (2015)

In this post you will find the details of all the upcoming High Holy Day services and events. If you would like to celebrate the High Holy Days with Temple Emanuel and you are currently NOT a member of  the Temple, please get in touch with Hilary or our membership committee shofar-140032


Saturday, September 5 – 7:00 pm

Temple Beth David in Cheshire


Sunday, September 13 – 8:00 pm

Oneg to follow


Monday, September 14 – 10:00 am

Children’s Service – 9:45 am

Kiddush and Tashlich to follow


Tuesday, September 15 – 10:00 am


Tuesday, September 22 – 8:00 pm


Wednesday, September 23 – 10:00 am

Children’s Service – 9:45 am

Study Session with Rabbi Steinberg – 1:00 pm approx.


Thursday, September 24 – 4:30 pm

Followed by Yizkor (approximately 6:00 pm), Neila, and Havdalah

Break-the-Fast to follow


Sunday, September 27

3:30 – Sukkot Family Program, Sukkah Building, Potluck Dinner in the Sukkah

6:45 – Erev Sukkot Service


Monday, September 28 (office will be closed)


Sunday, October 4 – 6:00 pm


Monday, October 5 (office will be closed)

July 30th update

The building continues to take shape, and every day brings more and more excitement! The carpets, the floor tiles and the lights have been installed throughout, the bathrooms and cloak room have been painted and the education office is beginning to take shape too!

Future Rabbi Jerry Brieger study taking shape
Future Rabbi Jerry Brieger study taking shape
The new library
The new library
a new classroom filled with light
a new classroom filled with light
The beautiful floor tile installed
The beautiful floor tile installed

Temple Emanuel celebrated at Eisner and Crane Lake Camp

Camp Eisner/Crane Lake directors Louis Bordman, Debby Shriber along with Daryl Messinger, the URJ chair-elect and Tracy Izzo, TE Sisterhood Chair
Camp Eisner/Crane Lake directors Louis Bordman, Debby Shriber along with Daryl Messinger, the URJ chair-elect and Tracy Izzo, TE Sisterhood Chair

At the 6TH ANNUAL STATE OF THE CAMP ASSEMBLY on July 18th, 2015 Temple Emanuel was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Support of Eisner and Crane Lake Camps.  Tracy Izzo, a proud mother of Eisner camper and TE Sisterhood President attended the ceremony and accept the award.

“Everything that happens at camp is a direct result of the overwhelming commitment and leadership from synagogues like yours”, said Corey Cutler, Director of Development for URJ Eisner and Crane Lake Camps.  “We are extremely proud of our partnership and the ways in which Temple Emanuel supports the future of our camps.”

The partnership between our synagogue and the camps, including the new URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, is an incredible opportunity to enrich the lives of our children with Judaism and Jewish values all the way through the year. Mazal tov!

Temple Emanuel Board 2016-17


PRESIDENT          Melissa Perkal,

1st VICE PRESIDENT         Alan Kliger

2nd VICE PRESIDENT      Lew Shaffer

TREASURER      Len Farber,

Asst. TREASURER       Jon Zonderman,

SECRETARY      Robin Levine-Ritterman,

PAST PRESIDENT               Bruce Spiewak

RABBI    Rabbi Michael Farbman


David Korman

Joel Golding

Steve Grodzinsky

Vlad Katsovich

Barbara Berkowitz

Marilyn Fischman

Matt Nierenberg

Steve Rivkin 

Howard Schachter

Temple Emanuel Board 2015-16
Temple Emanuel Board 2015-16

Jodi Harris, Religious School Director

Jodi HarrisI was born in New Haven and moved to Bloomfield CT as a baby, where I attended Yeshiva of Hartford before attending public schools. My socially progressive parents and Orthodox grandparents helped shape my Jewish
identity and I embraced the concept of Tikkun Olam at a very early age. I received a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Connecticut College, but the pull of Boston’s big business in the Reagan era caused me to abandon
the idea of social work. Once I was back in Connecticut raising my family, I became very involved in volunteering not only for Temple Beth David, but also for numerous “good works” in the area. I taught religious school at Beth David for 13 years, serving as its president during a rabbinic transition. In 2013, I was accepted into the Master’s of Jewish Education on-line program at Hebrew College in Newton Centre MA as a Legacy Heritage Fellow and expect to receive my degree next spring. Before accepting these exciting roles as Religious School Director at TE and TBD, I worked full-time with children with autism in the public schools. I have a passion for finding ways for all students to achieve and believe that our Temple communities can provide all of our children with rich and meaningful Jewish experiences which will in turn help them make their own Jewish journeys.

I am the proud parent of William, a recent law school grad about to take a job at a firm in NYC, and Natalie, a rising senior at Georgetown, currently in Israel for the summer seeking ways to reach peace through cultural awareness. When I am not working, my greatest joy is spending
time with my friends and family, escaping to the coast of Maine, cooking, working out and enjoying a novel or two. I am looking forward to meeting everyone at TE and learning with you all!