The quiet months are over…

‘Deep winter, still winter, but the days are visibly longer. The sun is visibly brighter. In the Land of Israel, it is still raining – but the rains are beginning to slacken. Already they have filled the deepest recesses of the earth. Far underground, the roots of trees are beginning to suck at earth’s replenished breasts. Their branches are beginning to grope toward the gathering light. There is barely any change to see; there is barely any change to hear. But the turn of the year has come. The still and quiet months are over; the seed is quickening, life is reasserting itself. In this hushed moment we celebrate the new year of trees, and the reawakening of the Tree of Life.’ (Arthur Waskow, Seasons of Our Joy)

The Mishnah records a disagreement between the House of Shammai and the House of Hillel. They are trying to decide when to celebrate the New Year of Trees (an important date, since it would determine the tithing system for the ancient Israelite farmers). Shammai insists it should be on the 1st of Sh’vat, around the time when the sap begins to rise inside the trees, marking the beginning of spring – invisible to the eye yet real awakening of nature from winter slumber. Hillel suggests the 15 of Sh’vat, around the time when the first almond trees begin to blossom, providing a visible sign of spring. In the end, the tradition follows Beit Hillel and marks the New Year of Trees on Tu BiSh’vat (which means 15 of Sh’vat), this year it falls of February 8th. On that day, it is customary to eat as many fruits that grow in Israel as one can find, some try to eat 15 different fruits (dried fruits are also OK, especially if you can get some Israeli ones!).

In his introduction to the chapter about Tu BiSh’vat, Arthur Waskow talks about the nature and life reasserting itself. ‘The quiet days are over’. In this remarkable 50th year of Temple Emanuel, we hardly had any quiet days – but if we did, they are definitely over! Outside, the snow comes and goes, the winter is in full swing, but just like the sap begins to rise inside the trees before we ever get to see any real signs of spring, the activity begins to heat up at TE as we continue to celebrate our 2nd Half-Century. Just take a look at the calendar: Chinese Dinner, Purim party, an incredible musician-in-residence weekend with Jeffrey Klepper, an upcoming Sisterhood variety show, not to mention Pesach and the Anniversary Gala – all of this in addition to two new adult study programs, building renovations, committee work and school programs! Our new family Shabbat service on the first Friday of the month was a huge success in January and we look forward to seeing many more families, with and without children at the early service in February. The first Torah service with Mishkan Tefilah prayerbook was in January and we continue to get used to the new prayerbook, proudly using it alongside our beloved TE siddur. We continue to improve our communications and our website, so that it can match the outstanding Shofar that we are so proud to produce every month, thanks to our wonderful team! As of this month, you can register for most of our events online, through our website, complete with payment opportunity, saving you (and our office) some precious time.

As we go through winter, and as we acknowledge the change of seasons in Israel, may we remember to take a moment and marvel at the miracle that is Temple Emanuel. I look forward to seeing many of you at all the wonderful events coming up this month and in the spring. The quiet days are over – let the fun begin!

50週年快樂! (Happy 50th Anniversary!)

Click here to reserve your seat!

50週年快樂! (Happy 50th Anniversary!)
Come Celebrate our Great Fortune: Temple Emanuel’s 50th Anniversary
Enter the Royal Palace Door and you will find…
Great food, wonderful company
and our traditional silent auction filled with unique and creative bargains galore!
Let’s meet, have fun and kibbitz
Sunday Feb 12, 2012, doors open 6:00pm
Royal Palace 32 Orange Street New Haven, CT
Adults Only Please
Click here to reserve your seat!

"Torahs'R'us: All you ever wanted to know about Torah but were afraid to ask"

A brand-new educational opportunity for adults for 2012

This course will examine the Torah-reading traditions, its history and meaning, the structure of the Torah service and much more. The practical part of each class will be dedicated to learning the ‘trope’ – how to chant the Torah, as well as writing a ‘d’var Torah’ – a commentary on the weekly portion. For those who choose to have an adult bar/bat mitzvah this course will serve as the first and major step in training.

The cost is $36 per person (TE members) and this will include the course book.
Pre-registration is essential!
Please email by January 5th to sign up.
The course will take place on Thursdays, 7:30-9pm at Temple Emanuel on the following dates:
12-Jan, 26-Jan, 2-Feb, 9-Feb, 1-Mar, 8-Mar, 22-Mar, 29-Mar, 5-Apr, 12-Apr, 3-May, 10-May, 24-May.

Building the community…

If God does not build the house, the workers labor in vain… (Psalm 127).

There is an ancient Jewish tradition: when building a house, to leave one corner, one tiny bit unfinished. To let a little bit of brick show through plaster in the corner, to have something left not fully painted. Our ancestors did so in order to remind ourselves that the world is not complete, that there is far too much suffering and destruction in the world for us to sit comfortably in our home and think that all is good…

Over the course of this summer there was a lot of renovation activity at Temple Emanuel – the new floors were laid in the social hall and the entrance, ceiling was painted in the swing space, a new layer of shingles was added to the Sanctuary building roof, new gutters are being added to both buildings – wonderful, exciting, much needed actions to upkeep the TE physical ‘body’. This is perhaps the biggest number of projects undertaken in quick succession over the last few years – much of it delayed or scheduled maintenance. There are still things that need fixing – the social hall ceiling and acoustics, the board room in the ‘house’ that suffered major water damage and will need to be almost fully re-built to name but a few – but many of the things we did, like the floor and the roof, allow us to ‘tick it off’ as completed – a great feeling of accomplishment for TE leadership – and for all of us! There’s still plenty of ‘unfinished corners’ around TE, of course, but at least the projects that have been completed give us a sense of – well, completion!

The buildings are important, no doubt about that. Yet they are merely the tools in our real efforts: the building of a community! The relationships that are forged, the learning that takes place, the prayers that are offered, the traditions observed, the caring and the deeds of loving kindness performed daily by members of Temple Emanuel… That’s what we are REALLY building – the fabric of our Jewish present and the foundations for our Jewish future. Thanks to the generous vision of the Second Half Century fund we are also supporting our school and educational programs through new curricula and exciting initiatives, the school building is buzzing with excitement! New members join and past members are coming back – what better testament can there be to our community-building efforts?

This kind of building is at times harder to see, unlike the bricks and mortar – but it can be felt and experienced at so many things we do throughout the year! Above all, this is not the kind of ‘building’ that can ever be finished – just as relationships, the community needs what was built in the past as a foundation, but needs continued efforts to keep it alive and well.

I hope you get to see for yourself all the wonderful renovations that took place over the summer and take pride in them. I also hope that you will take an active role in being a part of the community-building that we do and find a way to engage and lend a hand. I look forward to seeing many of you as we build the sukkah on October 9th, a temporary structure that reminds us of the fragility of our lives and our buildings, and of the strength of our human bond with each other and with God. I also look forward to continued celebrations of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, (Oct 12th and Oct 19th), extending the special season of High Holy Days with the joyful celebration of our heritage and our Torah!

Wishing you all a shanah tovah u’metukkah, a sweet, happy and fulfilling new year 5772!

Getting better…

President Lew Shaffer

I’ve got to admit it’s getting better…

If you were around Temple Emanuel this August, you couldn’t have missed all the renovations. Floors in the Social Hall and swing space were being removed and then replaced with very attractive tiles. The ceilings of those rooms were being painted and a new roof was put on the Sanctuary building. In addition, the building’s duct work was cleaned, and arrangements were made to fix the gutters.

Outdoor lights were also installed so that we can have evening events on the TE grounds (Hopefully you will be at our September 9th barbeque to kick off the celebration of our second half century.) The improvements are not only visual. As membership grows, members are sitting further back in the Sanctuary. On the High Holy Days we expect that people will be sitting deeper into the Social Hall. And those members will now be able to hear. We have purchased a new speaker system that will be utilized in the Social Hall. Arrangements are also being made to improve the acoustics of the room now as well.

The improvements are not limited to the Sanctuary building. The TE House is also being renovated. Though the TE Board had planned on making changes to the House, we were forced to make the changes sooner than intended as a leak from below had caused a flood in the step-down room. As a result the carpet had to be removed and the walls opened up to both remove soggy materials and locate the leak.

The educational system at TE has also been revamped. New teachers have been hired to replace those who have retired, and a new curriculum has been put in place. Exciting programming for all members is also on the way.

Some of this work is being paid for by insurance proceeds (I’ve discussed this in a previous column), some by our operating budget, and much of it is funded by the Second Half-Century Fund. By now you have undoubtedly figured out what comes next—a very gentle reminder that if you haven’t already made a commitment to the Second Half-Century Fund, please do so now. While I would prefer that the commitments be large, you are hereby reminded that commitments of any amount are appreciated.

Getting so much better all the time.

Slach lanu… forgive us before the High Holy Days?

Rabbi Michael Farbman

In our tradition, the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as the most awe-inspiring and powerful Holy Days. In our modern reality, the High Holy Days continue to serve as a draw for the Jews who rarely set foot in the synagogue during the year, but who nonetheless make big efforts to be a part of a community on the Days of Awe. Of course, if you have not been coming to the synagogue regularly, you may find the experience alienating (and great many Jews do!), since you do not know the prayers and may not be quite as comfortable with Hebrew (or don’t know how to read), the services may seem far too long and hard to cope with. If you go to a bookstore or search online, you will quickly discover dozens of books with titles such as ‘how to survive the high holidays’, ‘Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur survival kit’ and so on.

Somehow, this most profound experience of the Jewish year is also one of the most difficult ones for the majority of modern Jews – and yet the synagogues continue to open up walls to social halls and rent additional chairs to accommodate all those who come just for those few days… For so many Jews, coming back to the synagogue to hear Kol Nidrei and Avinu Malkeinu and the sound of the Shofar is still one of the most important moments of the year. I know for certain that those who attend the services regularly feel much more at home in the synagogue during the High Holy Days, but I also know how much comfort the High Holy Day services give to everyone who comes back year after year…

The Days of Awe, Yamim Noraim are technically the ten days that connect Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is the time for reflection, for introspection. The time to conduct what the rabbis call heshbon hanefesh, the accounting of the soul. It is a time to seek forgiveness for the wrongs we have done – first from people, our loved ones, our families and friends, as well as people we barely know but may have hurt, and then from God. But as much as we all accept the need to come together and to pray and to say the words of supplication (slach lanu, mechal lanu, kaper lanu – forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement) we often forget that this process does not begin on Rosh Hashanah, the New Year – but it begins in the month of Elul that precedes it!

The Selichot prayers, the ‘prayers of forgiveness’ are recited in the month of Elul, before the New Year even begins. In Sephardi tradition the selichot are recited throughout the month of Elul, whereas the Ashkenazim begin the selichot prayers at the end of Shabbat preceding Rosh Hashanah. Traditionally, the penitential prayers are recited at midnight, physically reminding us that this is the time to look at our lives and ourselves in a different light…

For many years now the Greater New Haven area Reform synagogues have been coming together for the Selichot services. It gives us a once-a-year opportunity to share our worship with each other and to be together as part of a bigger Jewish community and family – a very special feeling indeed. This year, as we begin to celebrate Temple Emanuel’s 50th anniversary, we are also honored to host the Selichot services at TE! On Saturday, September 24th at 7.30 pm members of Reform Congregations in Hamden, Cheshire, Southbury, Madison and Chester will come and join TE members for a very special service that will help us set the mood for the upcoming Holy Days.

Professor Paul Bloom from Yale will talk about ‘Just Babies’ and share with us the results of his research into innate morality, the fascinating subject that seems to confirm some of the key beliefs in Judaism!

If you would like to sing in the combined choir, please contact Laurel Shader asap! We also need help with parking and food, please let Leona know if you are available to help, but above all, I hope we use this opportunity to come together and experience the incredible spirit of the selichot service, especially if you have not done so in the years past!

Last but not least, I hope you will take a moment to follow the link in the shofar blast (or the shofar) and tell the High Holy Day committee what mitzvoth (honors) you would like to have in the services, as well as how and when you are able to help – we really want to make sure that every member of our congregation has a chance to participate in the most meaningful way!

Wishing you all Shanah Tovah U’metukah, a sweet and happy New Year 5772 ahead!

Wonderful High Holiday Traditions

Rosh Hashanah comes early this year! It seems like Elul has come and almost gone and before we know it, it’s time for Rosh Hashanah celebrations, for ushering in the new year, for apples and honey and joy, as well as introspection and taking stock of our lives that follows the Rosh Hashanah and precedes the Yom Kippur.

There is a wonderful tradition of Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah, which I have mentioned in my last column. On the first day of the new year, after services and celebratory Kiddush, we will go out to the stream of water and join together in symbolically (and physically) emptying our pockets, disposing of the little crumbs that represent a myriad of little sins and transgressions that often remain out of sight, just like those little crumbs in our pockets…I know that in the years past there have been groups of congregants doing Tashlich in different places, but this year we have decided to be a little more organized and go together after the Kiddush. I am hoping you and your family will join us!

High Holy Days are serious. We ponder matters of life and death, look at our lives, ask forgiveness from people around us and from God. But even at this season, there should be a little time for humor. I’m sure you have seen this list before, but even if you have — it’s worth a smile or two!

Here are suggestions for breads which may be most appropriate for specific sins and misbehaviors, to be used at Tashlich:

For ordinary sins ………………………..White Bread
For complex sins …………………………..Multigrain
For twisted sins ……………………………….Pretzels
For sins of indecision …………………………Waffles
For sins committed in haste………………….Matzoh
For sins of chutzpah …………………….Fresh Bread
For particularly dark sin ……………..Pumpernickel
For dressing immodestly ………………………..Tarts
For racist attitudes …………………………..Crackers
For causing injury to others …………………..Tortes
For sophisticated racism ………………Ritz Crackers
For being holier than thou ……………………Bagels
For substance abuse…………………..Stoned Wheat
For use of heavy drugs………………….Poppy Seed
For petty larceny……………………………….Stollen
For committing auto theft ………………….Caraway
For timidity/cowardice ……………………Milk Toast
For tasteless sins…………………………..Rice Cakes
For ill-temperedness………………………Sourdough
For silliness, eccentricity………………….Nut Bread
For not giving full value…………………Shortbread
For unnecessary chances ………………..Hero Bread
For war-mongering ………………………Kaiser Rolls
For jingoism, chauvinism ………….Yankee Doodles
For excessive irony ………………………..Rye  Bread
For erotic sins …………………………..French Bread
For abrasiveness ………………………………….Grits
For dropping in without notice ……………Popovers
For overeating ………………………………..Stuffing
For impetuosity ………………………….Quick Bread
For indecent photography ………………Cheesecake
For raising your voice too often ……………Challah
For pride and egotism……………………Puff Pastry
For sycophancy, brown-nosing …………….Brownies
For being overly smothering …….Angel Food Cake
For laziness……………………………..Any long loaf
For trashing the environment……………Dumplings
And my personal favorite:
For telling bad jokes/puns ……………..Corn Bread

Wishing you all a sweet, happy and above all healthy new year 5771. May we all be blessed with peace! I look forward to seeing you all at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services, as well as during Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Please check the calendar for services and come celebrate ALL the festivals of Tishrei, not just the biggest ones. Shanah Tovah!☺
— Rabbi Farbman