
As I explained in my last column, there are times when I find it difficult to write for the Shofar.  While I enjoy communicating with our congregation, a column is a one-way communication, and I miss the interaction that one gets when talking with another.  This month is different – I have an idea for the column, and the words are jumping onto the page.

As President of TE, I, of course, am aware of various events taking place at the Temple.  School is no exception. I am informed by Olga as to various events and happenings that will occur at the school over the coming weeks.  While hearing the short-term calendar is impressive, it is incredible to hear the entire school year in review.  Every April the Finance Committee of TE formulates a budget for the coming TE year.  Part of that process involves a report by Olga and Rabbi Farbman concerning the school.  They prepared a slide show that reviewed all the events of the current school year.  Hearing and seeing them all at once floored me.  The frequency and innovation of events was incredible to hear.  As one of the Finance Committee members said, “I wish I could come back as a 5th grader.”  In times when the religious institutions are having trouble attracting and retaining members, TE is doing amazingly well.  A major reason for this is the work of the Rabbi and Olga.  Olga will deliver a report on the school as part of our annual meeting (which this year will be June 2nd at 6 pm).  I encourage all to attend, if for no other reason than to hear how well our school is doing.  The framework for our school was created by Susan Pinsky Bleeks (and the work of Janet Adams). Olga has used that foundation to move forward. It should be no surprise that TE is doing well and our students enjoy going to Religious School.