When I was young (many years ago), I used to wonder why many of the school holidays came around the same time. We have just gone through a very active period of holidays at Temple Emanuel – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. With the holidays bunched together, it is a very meaningful period. We as a congregation have had the opportunity to spend much time together. After our long period of being unable to spend much time together, it is wonderful to share time again together.
I like to tinker. After years of trying to change our announcements from stating that we welcome visitors, I recently changed the announcement to welcome newcomers to our community. As you may have noticed over the high holy days, I have changed it once again this time to “family.” I think that more accurately sets forth what Temple Emanuel is – we are a family. We enjoy spending time together and catching up with both old and new friends, or should I say family. And do we ever enjoy participating in the services – for that I thank you.
Many of you know, I love tradition. And I love building on the foundation our predecessors have set up for us. In the coming months we will be discussing new ways to encourage our membership, our family, to be involved with Temple Emanuel. We will also be affording people the opportunity with new ways to be involved with lay leadership at Temple Emanuel. This will involve training and discussions. This teaser will be set forth in greater detail shortly.
I love my TE family. And I know you love it as well. There is a reason why we are growing, when other religious institutions are shrinking. Let us all move to the next level. Thank you.