Ethics and morality play a central role in Judaism. Values of respect (kavod), fairness (tzedek) and kindness (chesed) guide our daily lives and the choices we make. For many Jews, these beliefs are more central than a belief in God. As Jews, we are not content when we see injustice in the world around us. The principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are being embraced throughout our country as principles that lead to greater justice and a more positive environment for all.Ethics and morality play a central role in Judaism. Values of respect (kavod), fairness (tzedek) and kindness (chesed) guide our daily lives and the choices we make. For many Jews, these beliefs are more central than a belief in God. As Jews, we are not content when we see injustice in the world around us. The principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are being embraced throughout our country as principles that lead to greater justice and a more positive environment for all.
The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) has been encouraging the Reform Jewish community to embrace these values, and developed an Audacious Hospitality Community Assessment workbook to help leaders identify the steps needed to become a congregation rooted in principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. A group of TE members completed the 34-page workbook last summer to begin the process of identifying the DEI work that is happening well at TE, and where we can improve. To include more TE voices, the team developed a shorter survey and invited the entire congregation to participate. Thank you to the 79 TE members that took the time to complete this survey.
Across all surveys, Temple Emanuel members expressed a feeling of joy and warmth about our congregation. I cannot fit in all the positive comments here, but some of our strengths noted by members include: being a congregation that is visibly inclusive of mixed-faith families and LGBTQIA+* people; having non-Jewish family members involved in services; using a fair share dues structure that supports economic diversity and inclusion; having equal roles for women in leadership and prayer; providing assistive hearing devices for those in need; and religious school support for children with special needs.
The TE Audacious Hospitality group considered many identities as we looked at TE: race, ethnicity, economic class, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, immigration status or experience, physical and mental abilities, Jews by choice, and interfaith families. After analyzing the Audacious Hospitality Community Assessment workbook and the survey, the group came up with recommendations for actions to help make our community a more diverse, equitable and inclusive one.
We recommend creating six teams to gather information and support the implementation process for DEI work at Temple Emanuel. These teams would work together with TE staff, committees and leadership, and would draw on existing materials and practices from other synagogues and Jewish communities. The six teams would work on the following areas:
- DEI training for staff, leaders, volunteers and the whole congregation
- Administration and Communications
- Services and Liturgical Materials
- Religious School
- Adult Learning and Groups
- Building, Facilities and Safety
This article doesn’t have space for me to list the specific recommendations in each area. But to give an example, one of the most frequent comments we received was the lack of a non-gendered bathroom at TE to accommodate transgender and non-binary people. Working to correct this deficiency would be a subject for the Building, Facilities and Safety group.
Our goal is to be proactive and create a welcoming community for all. Working together, utilizing the Jewish values we cherish, we can make our congregation even more inclusive and supportive. If you are interested in getting involved in this work at TE, have an interest in one of the groups I mentioned, or want more information about the Audacious Hospitality report and recommendations, please contact me.
*LGBTQIA+ – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual Plus