Beautiful autumn colors lift my spirits as I write this column. Fall 2020 is a difficult time for many people and I am not immune. How do I find inspiration and positivity when I am fearful about the future of our country and of our planet, while I am tired of social distancing, yet know that we must continue on for many more months? What sustains me when the going gets tough?
I know that many people turn to prayer and faith when times are difficult. For me, the wonder of nature helps to sustain my spirit. After several rainy days this week, I am bolstered by bright sunshine, dahlias in my garden, and green leaves mixing with orange and red. I am nourished by exploring new walks and hikes, breathing clean air and enjoying the quiet beauty of Connecticut.
Similarly, the practice of yoga nourishes my soul. I have continually turned to yoga over many years to support my body, stretch my stiff muscles and keep
me from pain. But once I begin, I remember how it calms my spirit, and helps me practice mindfulness, to stay centered and take one day at a time.
Friends and family are another pillar of my support. Zoom gatherings and eating dinner together over FaceTime keep me connected with those I love. Whether eating outdoors or sitting around the fire pit, sharing a story or a laugh or commiserating about what might come, the joy of listening to others
and being heard by them sustains me.
I am grateful for my own good fortune—good health, loving family, dear friends and financial stability. And I am very lucky to have the Temple Emanuel
community in my life. I am excited to see our community service projects grow stronger, and our growing involvement with social justice work through CONECT. While my rhythm has changed from going to TE on Friday nights to tuning in on Zoom, I am still comforted by the familiar tunes I hear and the
dear faces that I scroll through.
Thanks to all of you who have reached out to support other members during this difficult time. As the weather gets colder and our patience grows weary, it will be even more important. Please continue to check in on each other. We are working hard to bring you programs that keep our community connected while we continue to be physically apart. Let me know what Temple Emanuel can
do to make this time easier for you. The TE community helps to sustain me and I want to make sure it is there for you too.