I join with so many Americans in grief and anger at the senseless killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. And I grieve even more for the continued violence that we see perpetuated against Black people in our country, a violence that takes its roots as far back as our history of slavery began in 1619.
Jewish tradition teaches us that we should stand up for what is right and support those who are treated unjustly. As a people who have experienced violence throughout our history, it is imperative that we stand up against racial injustice. We began Audacious Hospitality discussions at TE in the hopes that our congregation could start looking at how we treat others and learn to embrace and support the diversity of our congregation. In the words of Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, “Our country simply cannot achieve the values of ‘justice for all’ to which it aspires until we address ongoing racism in all sectors and at all levels of society.”
As I write this statement, I am acutely aware of the white privilege that I enjoy. Today, when my 22 year-old son borrowed my car for a trip to the store, I did not need to worry if he would be stopped by the police, or shot, or suffocated, because of the color of his skin. It is hard to fathom what it would be like to live with that stress day after day, yet far too many parents do.
We need to stand in solidarity with the people of color in our country who are affected by racial injustice. If we are to end injustice, we need to act. The Rabbi and I are working with a group of congregants to plan several programs about racism and how it impacts us all. Temple Emanuel has partnered with CONECT, Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut, to take action on social and economic justice issues of importance in our state. Consider joining in our discussions, or our work with CONECT. Below are some links to further resources on racial justice.
Look for more information on the TE programs about racism in the next Shofar blast. If you are interested in helping us organize these programs, please contact me or the Rabbi.