A Continuing Exploration of Jewish Spirituality:  Words, Rituals and Holy Spaces TE’s Lay-Led Shabbat Afternoon Sessions of Learning and Discussion


people_group_study“Jacob came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night…

Taking one of the stones of that place, he put it under his head and lay down in that  place’ (Genesis 28:11).

‘Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is present in this place, and I did not know it!”  Shaken, he said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the abode of God, and that is the gateway to heaven”  (Genesis 28:16-17).

Last year in our lay-led Shabbat afternoon sessions, we began looking into concepts of spirituality by thinking about prayer, how each of us understands and experiences it.  This year we will continue this process by thinking about holy space and the relationship of space, words, rituals, worship, and our personal spiritual growth.  Join us for Session 1 on October 29 at the home of Jim and Jean Silk to explore the topic of Place. TE members and friends are welcome.  For questions contact Chris Radler.

Future meeting dates:

Dec. 3, 2016:  Ritual

Jan. 14, 2017: Finding the Words

Feb. 11, 2017:  Creating Prayer

March 18, 2017: Creating Sacred Space