Summer, 2013 By Bruce Spiewak, Temple Emanuel President
This is a combined summer column / edition of the Shofar, so we need to consolidate space a little. (That’s the excuse for a shorter than normal column!)
It has been about a year since I began serving our Congregation as President and I have some important observations to share:
We have been making progress on the goals set out for the Board to address issues of Membership, Finance and Governance. This involves many efforts including:
- the new Fair Share Dues Structure,
- the Bylaws changes to allow a Second Vice President and an Assistant Treasurer,
- events open to the community to draw non- (not yet) members as well as members.
- reorganization of the administrative functions of the Office and the accounting systems,
- formation of the Long Term Planning initiative,
- investigation into the future and maintenance of our physical plant,
- coordination of the “Leave a Legacy Program,
- re-evaluation of the way things have been done historically with a fresh outlook towards our method of organizing committees, events and programs,
- introduction of new children’s programming and educational events,
- fresh approaches to our religious services and introduction of new ideas,
- many more efforts that you can add.
I am constantly energized and refreshed by the incredible support and participation provided by our Board and our Congregants, in sharing skills, knowledge, time and resources. The Community is incredible and continues to amaze me. That is what gives me the strength to carry on! Thank you every one and let’s have another outstanding remarkable creative year! L’Shanah Tovah!!