As I write this article for the October Shofar, it is early/mid-September, and I recently attended the Annual New Haven Area Reform Selichot Service at Congregation Mishkan Israel in Hamden. There, Rabbi Brockman, Cantor Giglio, and the CMI Chorale were joined by the rabbis, cantors, cantorial soloists, and choirs from the other five participating congregations in a beautiful service of prayer and song in preparation for the High Holy Days. I was one of several members of TE who attended and sang with the choir. I think we all appreciated the feeling of greater community that surrounded us with warmth, friendship, and support as we shared our prayers. After the service there were refreshments (of course) and a session of group discussions where we were encouraged to sit at a table with people we did not yet know. We discussed specific Psalms—a different one at each table, with a Rabbi as discussion leader. All in all, it was a great community experience. We listened in awe as a twelve-year-old young lady at our table expounded on what the Psalm meant to her in her daily life! By the time you read this article, we will have experienced another year of High Holy Day services and events, including services, discussion groups, holiday meals, holiday fasting, family get-togethers, Sukkah building and more. Look back on these events as you look ahead to the New Year. Think about your nuclear family, extended family, TE family, local community and so on—including the greater world community, and how we all provide support and brace each other throughout our lives. Contemplate how you as an individual will contribute to the world around you and will help to make it a better place for all of us now and for generations to come. Also, remember that it is a given that each of us will find it necessary to reach out for support to those around us on various occasions in our lives and will rely on receiving the necessary bracing to carry us through certain times and events. There is no shame in relying on that support when you need it, and there is great pride and honor to be able to provide that support to others in their time of need. Thanks to each and every one of you who has volunteered your time, energy, enthusiasm, support, participation, and love to the betterment of the TE Community. You know who you are, and so do others! Let’s keep up the great work and move on together into the next half century. L’Shalom!
President’s Column (This One’s Braced!) by Bruce Spiewak