We’ve made it successfully through the wonderful events of August, culminating in the TE Tag Sale. Whew!!!! We even continued to function well despite the various vacation schedules of our Rabbi, Office Administrator and many of us congregants, who have asked others to “cover” while we are away. I have become increasingly aware of the amazing talent and generosity of all involved in TE when it comes to sharing the load. Yes, it does “take a village….” It reminds me of the song by the Hollies: (If you can remember it, you will now hum it for the next few days!) The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where Who knows when But I’m strong Strong enough to carry him He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother So, on we go His welfare is of my concern No burden is he to bear We’ll get there For I know He would not encumber me He ain’t heavy, He’s my brother If I’m laden at all I’m laden with sadness That everyone’s heart Isn’t filled with the gladness Of love for one another It’s a long, long road From which there is no return While we’re on the way to there Why not share And the load Doesn’t weigh me down at all He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother He’s my brother He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother…
So if you are feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities, remember that the TE Community is here. If you are feeling that you want to jump in and help support TE, speak up, and your support will be welcomed! Our foundations are firm, our structural support system is redundant and robust, and includes you! Thank you all for being there.
President’s Column (This One’s Load-Bearing!) by Bruce Spiewak