In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems hard to see our way through to the other side. What will the “new normal” look like when this is over? Will we ever sit together in concert halls, baseball stadiums, or in our sanctuary? Will our school once again echo with children’s laughter and excitement? Will we ever again shake hands or hug each other at TE? Will we reach out holding our neighbors and sway to Havdalah? Will we unmask to see each other smile?
In the past 2 months, my life was plunged into professional obsession with this worldwide pandemic. The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) recruited me to lead a COVID-19 response team – a group of kidney specialists from around the country to best protect the vulnerable 500,000 Americans with kidney disease who receive dialysis treatment. Working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we have published best evidence guidance for care, we have deployed tools to understand the extent of life-threatening kidney failure this infection can cause, and we have worked with hospitals, dialysis facility owners, industry and government to get these practices to the hospital bedside and to the dialysis unit chairside. I’ve spent too much time answering reporters’ questions from the New York Times, Washington Post, Pro Publica and Politico. So – it has been difficult for me to see life after this emergency.
Of course there will be life after COVID-19. It may be different. Every time we go through TSA screening at the airport I am reminded that 9/11 changed our lives for a decade. Exactly how life will change is not yet clear. What is clear, is that we will survive — and thrive — and that Temple Emanuel will again come alive with services, children learning, laughter, joy… and a strengthened commitment to our Jewish community.
With the faith that TE will remain a central part of our community’s life, and the commitment that TE will respond to our growing school needs, we are going ahead with our planned school expansion. Construction for 2 new classrooms has begun! We are aiming to have these classrooms ready for use in September/October for our new school year.
The cost of this project will be approximately $250,000. In addition we hope to raise enough money to replace the room dividers between the sanctuary and social hall that are old and are falling apart. Thanks to several very generous major donors, we have about 70% of needed funds in hand, and promises from about 20 additional families for support.
To get the rest of the way — we need support from all members and school families. We know that this is a very difficult financial time for many — the “shutdown” has caused many to lose income or lose jobs. The market declines have reduced pension values. These are uncertain times. With these realities in mind, our board of directors urges each of us to consider carefully what we can do to assure we can complete this vital project. Please think through to a life after COVID-19 – as I have tried to do. Please be as generous as you can — for our children and their school. TE’s school is almost unique as a growing and vital beacon of our future.
You will find here a school expansion form that you can use to make a contribution. Your payments can be planned through this year, or into the next 2 years if needed.
Thank you, thank you! Stay safe, as we all find our way through these times.
Alan Kliger