Shabbat Under the Stars and annual BBQ – Friday, Sept 11 starting at 4:30 pm.

outdoor shabbat @ TE 8-27-2010Join us at Temple Emanuel on Friday, September 11 for our annual barbecue picnic and Shabbat Under the Stars! The festivities start at 4:30 pm with kids’ activities, 5:00 pm cookout, and 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Under the Stars service, followed by an Oneg in the Social Hall. We will also be unveiling the new education and administrative wing by affixing a mezuza to the door just before the Shabbat service.

This is a great annual event for all TE members, family and friends – so please spread the word and invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this very special Shabbat celebration!

Temple Emanuel celebrated at Eisner and Crane Lake Camp

Camp Eisner/Crane Lake directors Louis Bordman, Debby Shriber along with Daryl Messinger, the URJ chair-elect and Tracy Izzo, TE Sisterhood Chair
Camp Eisner/Crane Lake directors Louis Bordman, Debby Shriber along with Daryl Messinger, the URJ chair-elect and Tracy Izzo, TE Sisterhood Chair

At the 6TH ANNUAL STATE OF THE CAMP ASSEMBLY on July 18th, 2015 Temple Emanuel was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Support of Eisner and Crane Lake Camps.  Tracy Izzo, a proud mother of Eisner camper and TE Sisterhood President attended the ceremony and accept the award.

“Everything that happens at camp is a direct result of the overwhelming commitment and leadership from synagogues like yours”, said Corey Cutler, Director of Development for URJ Eisner and Crane Lake Camps.  “We are extremely proud of our partnership and the ways in which Temple Emanuel supports the future of our camps.”

The partnership between our synagogue and the camps, including the new URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, is an incredible opportunity to enrich the lives of our children with Judaism and Jewish values all the way through the year. Mazal tov!

Temple Emanuel Board 2016-17


PRESIDENT          Melissa Perkal,

1st VICE PRESIDENT         Alan Kliger

2nd VICE PRESIDENT      Lew Shaffer

TREASURER      Len Farber,

Asst. TREASURER       Jon Zonderman,

SECRETARY      Robin Levine-Ritterman,

PAST PRESIDENT               Bruce Spiewak

RABBI    Rabbi Michael Farbman


David Korman

Joel Golding

Steve Grodzinsky

Vlad Katsovich

Barbara Berkowitz

Marilyn Fischman

Matt Nierenberg

Steve Rivkin 

Howard Schachter

Temple Emanuel Board 2015-16
Temple Emanuel Board 2015-16

Shabbat on the beach – July 31 at 7pm

milford-town-beachOur ‘Shabbat under the stars’ services are always a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful TE grounds and be outside. This year, we continue the wonderful new tradition that began last summer: Shabbat on the beach! On July 31 at 7pm head over to the Walnut Beach in Milford (113 E Broadway, Milford, CT 06460) – don’t forget a beach blanket or a chair, and bug repellent just in case! We will sing together and greet shabbat by the water. Please spread the word and invite your family and friends to join us!

TE members join the Connecticut Food Bank Walk

Fifteen TE members joined the Walk Against Hunger on Sunday, May 17, 2015.  We started out in East Rock Park and walked together with marchers from a diverse range of religious congregations and non-profit organizations for 3 miles through the local neighborhood. TE’s team included members of all ages; we wore our new blue TE t-shirts, and we were proud when observers along the way exclaimed, “wow, that’s a big group!”  We raised about $ 1,000 which was donated to the Connecticut Food Bank.  We had a great time!Temple Team

Connecticut Food Bank Walk – Sunday May 17, 1:00 PM East Rock Park

walk against hunger logoImagine for a moment not knowing where your next meal is coming from.  We at TE can help through participating in the Connecticut Food Bank’s Walk Against Hunger. Sunday, May 17 in East Rock Park, with a meet-up at 12:30. Let’s make this the best year ever and walk together to make a difference in the lives of others. All ages can participate, even pets, so please let me know that you will be a part of the TE team this year, walking with the TE team to combat hunger on a glorious day in May.  Please respond to me, Jackie Koral, and I’ll fill you in on all the details and hopefully, fill you in a TE team shirt.

Shehecheyanu, or how to celebrate the moments of transition.

One Campus plansJudaism is all about the sacred time. To be sure, space matters too, but time – now that’s really important. Minutes, days, weeks – all of it matters tremendously – just take a look at the Jewish calendar, its’ beautiful, complicated precision. Just look at how carefully we monitor time – on March 6 Shabbat begins at 5:34 pm and ends on March 7 no earlier than 6:19pm… Does it really matter? Why do we obsess over such seemingly trivial details as minutes of an hour? Does it really matter if our Yom Kippur fast lasts full 25 hours, and do we really need to wait for the three stars to appear at the end? I’d like to suggest that we pay so much attention to those precise minutes not because they matter quite so much, but because they allow us to pay attention to an extremely important moment: that of transition. At the beginning of Shabbat, it is the lighting of candles that allows us to usher Shabbat in, creating an invisible divide between the long week we just had and a very special space in time we call Shabbat, the time of rest, of renewal, of family and friends, a Jewish space in our often very non-Jewish week… Havdalah allows us to mark the transition ‘back’ into the world of daily routine. Every time we mark the arrival of a festival with kiddush we mark that transition from the ordinary to the sanctified – and then back again. Both transitions are special, both are sacred! As I write these words, Temple Emanuel embarks on one of the most ambitious projects in over 50 years of our existence, the biggest such effort in over twenty years: to bring the entire TE community under one roof. We called this project OneCampus. The addition to our sanctuary building will contain 4 classrooms, a library/meeting room and some office space. It will enable us to bring to life our vision of TE members of all ages entering through the same doors to engage in learning, celebrating Shabbat and Festivals, working to make this world a better place through the acts of Tikkun Olam and enjoying all the wonderful things TE has to offer -all under one roof! And so I come back to marking the transitions. On Tuesday, March 10 at 11 am we will hold a ground breaking ceremony, allowing us to mark this moment in time, this moment in the history of our congregation, when we will officially begin to construct this new part of our campus. We will do so with the words of shehecheyanu, thanking God for sustaining our community for over 50 years, and allowing us to reach this very special moment. There will be many more opportunities for us to celebrate this wonderful new stage in our synagogue’s life. There are still plenty of opportunities to get involved in this wonderful project and to support it with your talents, and to donate money to help make it happen. But for now, let us just take this moment in, cherish it, and let the words ring in our ears: ‘Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haOlam, shehecheyanu ve’kiymanu ve’higianu la’zman hazeh’. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has sustained us, and kept us alive and allowed us to get to this very special moment.

Beyond the Shtetl: A Thousand Years of Distinctive Jewish Life in Eastern Europe – TE Scholar in Residence weekend March 20-22.

Friday March 20, 2015

6:00 pm Shabbat dinner (Register here).

*Services 7:30 pm (please note the earlier time!)

Presentation during services     Building a Museum: The Saga of Polish JewryMuseum_of_the_History_of_Polish_Jews_in_Warsaw_011

While many Jews see Poland as a place of tragedy, it was also the center of Ashkenazi Jewish life for 800 years. The newly opened Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw tells a rich story of cultural vitality and resilience. Why is the Museum important and how will it change the way Poles and Jews see their own history and their relations with each other?

Saturday,   March 21, 2015

11:30 Dairy LuncheonRingelblum-archive

12:30   Presentation: Cultural resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto: the Ringelblum  Archive

During World War II Jews resisted not only with guns, but also with pen and paper. Even in the face of death they left “time capsules” full of documents that they buried under the rubble of ghettos and death camps. The Ringelblum archive in the Warsaw Ghetto consists of thousands of buried documents. But of the sixty people who worked on this national mission, only three survived. This will be their story.

 Sunday, March 22, 2015

10:00   Bagels and coffee

10:30   Presentation:  Vilna: the Jerusalem of LithuaniaVilnius synagogue

Vilna, the “Jerusalem of Lithuania” was a very special city. No other Jewish community in Eastern Europe inspired so many poems and stories. Vilna was the home of the great Vilna Gaon, but it also was the birthplace of the Jewish Socialist Bund, as well as the world capital of an imaginary country called “Yiddishland.” Religion and worldliness, Hebrew and Yiddish, tradition and modernity, all came together in this lovely, Jewish city.


About our Scholar in Residence

Dr. KassowDr. Samuel Kassow, Charles H. Northam Professor of History at Trinity College, holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University and has lectured and taught in Mexico, Lithuania, Russia, Poland and Israel. He has been a Visiting Professor at Princeton, Harvard, the University of Toronto and the Hebrew University. Since 2008 he has been serving as a consultant to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews which recently opened in Warsaw, Poland.
Professor Kassow is the author of several books including: The Distinctive Life of East European Jewry (2004), Who will Write our History: Emanuel Ringelblum and the Secret Ghetto Archive (2007), which received the Orbis Prize, was a finalist for a National Jewish Book Award and has been translated into seven languages. A child of Holocaust survivors, Professor Kassow was born in a Displaced Persons camp in Germany.


blood driveTemple Emanuel will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, March 12th from 1-6pm.
Donors are needed!
“Be one of the millions who help save lives!”
Please save the date and contact Adam Spiewak to be placed on the contact list to schedule a slot.
Volunteers are needed:
1. To make calls to encourage/solicit donor signups and then to remind the donors of their appointments.
2. To develop an interest sheet of names of people who would likely be donors.
3. For two hour shifts on the day of the drive: setup and breakdown (extending the hours to 11:30am -7:30pm on THURSDAY, March 12th).
4. To bake goods or other food / refreshments for the canteen
Contact Nancy Weber or Adam Spiewak, or e-mail for more information or to volunteer.