Co-Chairs, Alana Rosenberg and Jean Silk

Temple Emanuel is a member of CONECT, Congregations Organized for a Greater Connecticut. CONECT is a collective of churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and civic organizations from New Haven and Fairfield Counties – representing more than 20,000 people from different races, faith backgrounds, and living in both cities and suburbs – that have joined together to take action on social and economic justice issues of common concern. Our efforts form the foundation of a powerful collective voice that demands change on the social, economic, and political issues affecting our families and our communities. CONECT has made an impact on issues as varied as gun violence, health insurance rates, police reform, immigrant rights, and more. CONECT’s website is
Temple Emanuel members of mixed ages, interests, skills, experience and political preferences are involved with CONECT. The projects we’re currently involved with include:
Police Accountability: CONECT played a key role in getting the police accountability bill passed in the Summer 2020 short session of the Connecticut legislature. Next steps include educating the public about the bill and further action needed, in partnership with other CONECT congregations and authors of the legislation.
Clean Slate: Believing that “A criminal record should not be a life sentence,” CONECT has a team working actively on CLEAN SLATE, a proposed bill that provides access to jobs, housing and education through criminal record expungement. Contact Jean Silk to get involved.
Prison Reform: A subcommittee of the team will be setting in-prison advocacy reform goals in the coming months. Examples of issues may include abolishing solitary confinement and ensuring safety from COVID 19 in prison. Contact Alana Rosenberg to get involved.
Our goal is to encourage TE members to vote in the November election, either in person or by mail. Contact Linda Drazen or Betsy Ratner to get involved.
The DO NOT STAND IDLY BY (DNSIB) campaign is using law enforcement purchasing power to press the gun industry on gun distribution and gun safety technology. There have been some discussions about gun violence in New Haven, and some are interested in distributing gun safety technology in the streets. Contact Rise Siegel to learn more.
CONECT is working with Open Communities Alliance to build community understanding and support for changes in zoning to allow for affordable housing. Initial action has been based in Woodbridge. CONECT may expand this work to include other towns and partners. Contact Alana Rosenberg to get involved.
OTHER CONECT PROJECTS include addressing health care (fighting for mental health parity and lower insurance rates) and immigrant rights (defending the safety of all Connecticut residents by keeping ICE out of courthouses).
CONECT is a vehicle for taking action, in partnership with other TE congregants and other congregations, on issues that you feel passionately about. TE Members comment that getting involved with CONECT makes them want to get more involved in TE. To learn more or to join CONECT at TE, contact Alana Rosenberg.