“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” — Billy Joel

Music has always been an integral part of TE, one of its defining features. Every time I ask our members about the most inspiring aspects of our communal life, music gets mentioned the most. Rabbi Jerry z’’l and his guitar have helped nurture multiple generations of TE members, elevating their experience in ways that only music knows how: by directly touching our souls.
For the last 15 years, I have been privileged to carry it forward, blessed with so much support and encouragement from our TE community, and partnering with our amazing band under the leadership of the incredible Laurel Shader. Being together and singing together makes my soul soar on any given Shabbat or Festival, as I am lifted by the beautiful harmonies that we create, filling our sanctuary with sound.
In 2016, when we said our final goodbyes to our teacher and our friend, we immediately began thinking of ways to institutionalize Rabbi Jerry’s legacy at TE. What better way to remember the man whose Hebrew name was Shir than with music? Generations of adults and children at TE have been entertained by Rabbi Jerry’s magic tricks and thus the name of our annual celebration was born: Shir Magic.
Every year we get to sing with one of the leading voices in contemporary Jewish music, celebrating Rabbi Jerry’s legacy. What a blessing it is! Every artist is different, but every single one of them has been blown away by what they find at TE — a community that gathers to sing (and knows so many of their songs and melodies already!)
This year’s Shir Magic artist is Eliana Light, an incredibly talented musician, educator and performer. Eliana envisions a joyful, vibrant, heart–centered Judaism that speaks to the soul and moves the spirit, reminding us that we all are One. She holds sacred space, writes music, trains educators, and consults with communities to bring this vision to life. Eliana’s music has enriched the Temple Emanuel services and celebrations over the years, and some of her songs have become a staple in our High Holy Day and Festival services for children and adults alike.
Last year, as we were still reeling from the events of October 7th, our Shir Magic concert with Elana Arian had given us a lifeline, helping us to breathe a little deeper breaths. Some of the music she shared with us that evening continues to sustain me over this difficult year. I know that Eliana Light will help us sing and heal together this year, and I cannot wait to share the experience of her music and her teaching with all at TE this year. And of course, the TE band will make a special appearance that evening.
Eliana will spend the entire weekend December 6-8 with our community as our musician–in–residence. Join us on Friday December 6 at 6pm for an everybody–friendly musical, meaningful service! We’ll sing, connect, and delight in Shabbat together with Eliana.
On Saturday, December 7 at 10am we’ll enjoy a Shabbat morning experience of songs, stories, and snuggles: Shabbat morning for kiddos 0-5 and their grown-ups are invited to build community. We’ll snack, schmooze, sing, and connect with each other. No Shabbat experience required!
The day will culminate with our Shir Magic concert at 7pm — come and witness the magic of Eliana Light in person! Get your tickets ahead of time and please consider becoming a sponsor. I look forward to sharing this special musical evening with you!
Yopu can hear some of Eliana’s beautiful music here.