TE Tikkun Olam program: The Beth-El Center soup kitchen in Milford

As part of TE’s social action program, Nancy Weber and Max Case have (in the past) organized a group of TE members to serve dinner one night each month at The Beth-El Center soup kitchen in Milford.

While this program has been temporarily suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic, The Beth-El Center is still on our minds. The need for food assistance is more evident now, with greater numbers of food-insecure individuals, families and veterans.

Hopefully in Spring of 2021, we will get the all-clear, and we can resume our monthly dinner service. Until then, you can help by donating directly to The Beth-El Center by visiting their website:


The Beth-El Center is located at 90 New Haven Avenue, Milford, CT

(203) 878-0747. 

Thank you to all TE members who have been so generous in the past. Looking forward to performing this wonderful mitzvah again very soon!!