In most synagogues in America and around the world, July 1st is an important day. It is the start of the new fiscal year, when the old budget gives way to a new one, officially marking a transition which would otherwise be left unnoticed. Presidents and synagogue boards begin their new terms. Most Jewish professionals – Rabbis, cantors and educators who work in synagogues – begin their work in new communities, or celebrate the number of years in their current positions.

As I am writing these words, and as I begin the 11th year at Temple Emanuel, I am still aglow from the incredible event on June 23, celebrating 10 years together with all of you. I still cannot quite believe that I have had the honor and the privilege of being the Rabbi of Temple Emanuel for 10 years.
There are no words that can describe my gratitude to all of you – the organizers, the worker bees, those who took time to write most moving messages, and of course all those who came to celebrate. Suffice it to say, this was an amazing evening, and Olga and I are still floating on air!
10 years ago it was a leap of faith for us, and it was a leap of faith for Temple Emanuel. We certainly could not have imagined what blessings awaited us in Orange, and what an incredibly rewarding journey we were going to embark on together. We take pride in how much we have achieved in the last 10 years, and we are so grateful for the partnership that makes TE, our mutual home, such a special community to be a part of.
To all the lay leaders, presidents and officers past and present, and to all of you – THANK YOU! What a joy it is to celebrate the mutual love and blessings today! Mazal tov to Robin Levine-Ritterman as she becomes our new President, mazal tov to the new TE Board and Officers, and a huge thank you to Alan Kliger as he becomes an immediate past President!
Thank you all – we are truly honored and humbled by your love. Here’s to the next decade!