Dr. Alan Morinis, the founder and dean of The Mussar Institute and an active interpreter of the teachings and practices of the Mussar tradition will be our Scholar-in-Residence. The Mussar Institute advances the study and practice of Mussar, a Jewish path of contemplative practices leading to awareness, wisdom and transformation for the journey of our lives.
Friday, March 24
5:30: Tot shabbat
6:00: Shabbat dinner – Please RSVP here for dinner and lunch.
7:30 Shabbat Service. Dr. Morinis will speak on “What is Mussar and Why Should I Care?”
Saturday, March 25
10:00 am Discussion of the week’s Torah portion entitled “Torah Through a Mussar Lens.”
12:00 noon Dairy lunch
5:30 Introduction of classical Mussar texts for study and discussion.
7:30 Havdalah