President’s Column (Repair, Renew, Restore, Reconstruct, Reconsider, Review, Revise, Reevaluate)

Bruce Spiewak Definition:  “REPAIR. The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance.”  This is a technical definition as it applies to buildings under the CT State Building Code.

Tikkun olam (Hebrew: (תיקון עולם or תקון עולם‎) is a Hebrew phrase that means “repairing the world” (or “healing the world”) which suggests humanity’s shared responsibility to heal, repair and transform the world. In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam originated in the early rabbinic period. The concept was given new meanings in the kabbalah of the medieval period and has come to possess further connotations in modern Judaism.  This is a definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

So, why are these two terms relevant?  We are at a period in the evolution of Temple Emanuel where we find ourselves reevaluating and reconsidering many of the policies and procedures that we have historically kept and used for guidance during the last 50 or so years of our existence.  During this period of review we discover the need to revise and reconstruct some procedures, methods of operation, bylaw provisions, committee organization, Board structure and mission, etc.  Also there is an element of renewal and revitalization.

Members of TE have gotten together with members of other Synagogues and Jewish Organizations to start a dialogue about how we can work together in a symbiotic way to benefit us all.  We have had follow up meetings to our initial ones and I am gratified to see that there is continuing dialogue and progress on several fronts.

We have investigated and have begun a restructuring of some TE Committees in order to revitalize and reinvigorate the process and participation.  There is a focus on Membership and Social Action/Community Service as specific Committees being reviewed.  Last month I asked you to think about your own involvement and where you would like to become more active.  To those who contacted me directly, todah rabah!  To those who have not yet done so, but are thinking about it, please do so at and we can take it further.

By the time you read this we will have had our special meeting on April 28 to vote on the proposed revisions to our bylaws to allow an Assistant Treasurer to serve on our congregation Board of Directors.  Also, the new system of organizing our membership commitments will have been rolled out for your review and understanding.  Our Erev Cinco de Mayo “funraiser” will have successfully completed and will set a great example of how TE works cooperatively for both fun and fundraising.  In addition I will have announced the appointment of a new, reinvented committee, which will be following up on some of the overall reevaluation and renewal concepts mentioned in this column.

Hopefully, by now you have had the opportunity to interact with our new Office Manager, Miriam Cheng, who has now completed the baton pass from Nancy Weber.  Contact Miriam at or 203-397-3000 if you have questions or if you need to contact the office.

We look forward to the May 17th Friday night service at which Maya Levine-Ritterman will be awarded the Susan Bleeks Scholarship.  Also, please sign up for the May 31 Shabbat dinner and tribute to Gloria Levine, second TE President, featuring our TE Band.  By now you have probably been contacted to help prepare and participate.  If not, shout “hineini!”  Contact me directly at  or contact any Board Member – perhaps your “Board Buddy!”  (You’ve heard that before!)   Chodesh Tov!